#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_list.hpp> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class ABC { public: int i; float j; }; main() { boost::ptr_list<ABC> intList; boost::ptr_list<ABC>::iterator iterIntList; ABC *a= new ABC; ABC *b= new ABC; ABC *c= new ABC; a->i = 1; b->i = 2; c->i = 3; intList.push_back(a); intList.push_back(b); intList.push_back(c); for (iterIntList = intList.begin(); iterIntList != intList.end(); iterIntList++) { cout << iterIntList->i << endl; } intList.clear(); // All pointers held in list are deleted. }
Compile: g++ testBoostPtrList.cpp
Run: ./a.out
1See http://www.boost.org/libs/ptr_container/doc/ptr_list.html
Red Hat RPM packages: boost, boost-devel
Newer Linux releases like Red Hat Enterprise 5/CentOS 5 include boost "ptr_list".
RHEL4 included boost libraries but did not include "ptr_list".
Ubuntu installation: apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-doc
// g++ -g testStlPtrList.cpp #include <iostream> #include <list> using namespace std; class ABC { public: int i; float j; }; main() { list<ABC*> intList; list<ABC*>::iterator iterIntList; ABC *a= new ABC; ABC *b= new ABC; ABC *c= new ABC; a->i = 1; b->i = 2; c->i = 3; intList.push_back(a); intList.push_back(b); intList.push_back(c); for (iterIntList = intList.begin(); iterIntList != intList.end(); iterIntList++) { cout << (*iterIntList)->i << endl; } // Free pointers for (iterIntList = intList.begin(); iterIntList != intList.end(); iterIntList++) { delete *iterIntList; } intList.clear(); // List is deleted. }
For more information on STL list, see the YoLinux.com STL vector and STL list tutorial
You can test the above programs and investigate their respective memory clean-up in GDB.
See the YoLinux.com GDB tutorial.
Using GDB:
- Compile with debugging enabled: g++ -g -o testStlPtrList testStlPtrList.cpp
- Start GDB: gdb testStlPtrList
- Show listing with line numbers: list
- Set break point: break 30
- Run program till break point: run
- Find memory location of variable in GDB: print &(c->i)
(gdb) p &(c->i)
$4 = (int *) 0x503050
- Dereference memory location: p (*0x503050)
(gdb) p (*0x503050)
$5 = 3
- Dereference memory location after memory is freed: p (*0x503050)
(gdb) p (*0x503050)
Using RHEL5. Note older systems may give you a nonsense value.
$7 = 0